Okay, so I know I haven't been posting very much at all. College has literally taken over my life. I have so much homework/studying to do that it's difficult to balance both academics and my social life/free time. However, I'm going to try super hard to balance both and to keep up with my blog posts. So in an effort to return to blogging, today's playlist is commemorating my return! Also, I've had some lack of self esteem this weekend due to a few different factors. So in order to make myself feel better, I love listening to songs that remind me that I am a strong, independent woman who can stand on her own and be confident in myself!
5. Lady Gaga - Born This Way
4. Gwen Stefani - Hollaback Girl
3. Taylor Swift - We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together
2. Britney Spears - Piece Of Me
1. Nicki Minaj - Marilyn Monroe
xoxo Kasia